148 Bar Trivia Names to Make Your Team Stand Out and Win

148 Bar Trivia Names to Make Your Team Stand Out and Win

Bar trivia is a great way to test your knowledge, have some fun, and maybe even win a prize. If you’re looking for a name for your trivia team that will make you stand out from the competition, here are 148 suggestions to get you started.

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Funny Bar Trivia Names

  1. The Know-It-Alls
  2. The Brainiacs
  3. The Trivia Titans
  4. The Master Minds
  5. The Eggheads
  6. The Knowledgeable Nerds
  7. The Brainy Bunch
  8. The Trivia Kings and Queens
  9. The Smart Cookies
  10. The Trivia Masters

Clever Bar Trivia Names

  1. The Knowledgeable Crew
  2. The Triviaholics
  3. The Brainy Bunch
  4. The Know-It-Alls
  5. The Trivia Mavericks
  6. The Master Minds
  7. The Trivia Kings and Queens
  8. The Smart Cookies
  9. The Trivia Masters
  10. The Brainy Bunch

Pop Culture Bar Trivia Names

  1. The Avengers
  2. The Justice League
  3. The X-Men
  4. The Fantastic Four
  5. The Guardians of the Galaxy
  6. The Power Rangers
  7. The Ninja Turtles
  8. The Thundercats
  9. The He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
  10. The Transformers

Historical Bar Trivia Names

  1. The Great Minds
  2. The History Buffs
  3. The Time Travelers
  4. The Past Masters
  5. The History Mavericks
  6. The Chronology Kings and Queens
  7. The Date Geniuses
  8. The History Masters
  9. The Time Lords
  10. The History Geeks

Science Bar Trivia Names

  1. The Science Squad
  2. The Lab Rats
  3. The Elementals
  4. The Periodic Table Posse
  5. The Quantum Crew
  6. The Physics Freaks
  7. The Chemistry Champs
  8. The Biology Buffs
  9. The Science Mavericks
  10. The Science Masters

Geography Bar Trivia Names

  1. The World Travelers
  2. The Globe Trotters
  3. The Map Masters
  4. The Atlas All-Stars
  5. The Geography Geniuses
  6. The Continent Conquerors
  7. The Ocean Explorers
  8. The Mountain Mavericks
  9. The Geography Masters
  10. The World Wonders

Sports Bar Trivia Names

  1. The Sports Junkies
  2. The Game Gurus
  3. The Scoreboard Savants
  4. The Stat Sheet Stars
  5. The Sports Mavericks
  6. The Sports Masters
  7. The Touchdown Titans
  8. The Home Run Heroes
  9. The Goal Line Geniuses
  10. The Sports Scholars

Music Bar Trivia Names

  1. The Music Mavens
  2. The Tune Toons
  3. The Note Ninjas
  4. The Rhythm Rebels
  5. The Music Masters
  6. The Headphone Heroes
  7. The Vinyl Villains
  8. The Cassette Crew
  9. The CD Champions
  10. The MP3 Masters

Movie Bar Trivia Names

  1. The Movie Mavens
  2. The Film Freaks
  3. The Popcorn Posse
  4. The Reel Rebels
  5. The Movie Masters
  6. The Oscar All-Stars
  7. The Golden Globe Geniuses
  8. The Cannes Film Festival Champs
  9. The Berlin Film Festival Buffs
  10. The Venice Film Festival Vanguards

TV Bar Trivia Names

  1. The TV Titans
  2. The Couch Commandos
  3. The Remote Renegades
  4. The Channel Changers
  5. The TV Masters
  6. The Emmy Award All-Stars
  7. The Golden Globe Geniuses
  8. The Peabody Award Posse
  9. The Critics’ Choice Crew
  10. The TV Time Travelers

Book Bar Trivia Names

  1. The Bookworms
  2. The Literary Lions
  3. The Page Turners
  4. The Word Warriors
  5. The Book Masters
  6. The National Book Award All-Stars
  7. ThePulitzer Prize Posse
  8. The Man Booker Prize Mavericks
  9. The Nobel Prize in Literature Legends
  10. The New York Times Bestseller Bunch

Art Bar Trivia Names

  1. The Art Aficionados
  2. The Canvas Connoisseur
  3. The Color Commanders
  4. The Brush Brigade
  5. The Art Masters
  6. The Louvre Legends
  7. The Uffizi All-Stars
  8. The Prado Posse
  9. The Hermitage Heroes
  10. The Metropolitan Museum Mavens

Food Bar Trivia Names

  1. The Foodies
  2. The Master Chefs
  3. The Iron Chefs
  4. The Chopped Champions
  5. The Food Masters
  6. The James Beard Award All-Stars
  7. The Michelin Star Mavericks
  8. The World’s 50 Best Restaurants Renegades
  9. The Top Chef Titans
  10. The Great British Bake Off Buffs

Miscellaneous Bar Trivia Names

  1. The Know-It-Alls
  2. The Trivia Kings and Queens
  3. The Smart Cookies
  4. The Trivia Masters
  5. The Brainy Bunch
  6. The Triviaholics
  7. The Brainy Bunch
  8. The Know-It-Alls
  9. The Trivia Mavericks
  10. The Master Minds

Unique Bar Trivia Names

  1. The Unknowns
  2. The Dark Horses
  3. The Underdogs
  4. The Wild Cards
  5. The X-Factors
  6. The Secret Weapons
  7. The Game Changers
  8. The Rule Breakers
  9. The Mavericks
  10. The Rebels
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