Trivia, a beloved pastime that challenges our knowledge and sparks friendly competition, often calls for a creative and witty team name. These names not only add a touch of personality to the game but also reflect the team’s spirit and camaraderie. From clever puns to pop culture references, the possibilities are endless. To help you unleash your team’s creativity and wit, here’s a comprehensive list of 142 best trivia names, categorized into various subcategories:

Movie-Themed Trivia Names:
- The Cinephiles
- Popcorn Connoisseurs
- Reel Experts
- Silver Screen Savants
- Movie Buffs United
- The Film Fanatics
- The Celluloid Scholars
- The Movie Mavericks
- The Cinema Aficionados
- The Popcorn Posse
TV Show-Themed Trivia Names:
- The Couch Potatoes
- The Remote Control Warriors
- The Binge-Watching Brigade
- The TV Trivia Titans
- The Sitcom Savants
- The Reality TV Junkies
- The Game Show Gurus
- The Soap Opera Specialists
- The Talk Show Aficionados
- The Cartoon Connoisseurs
Music-Themed Trivia Names:
- The Vinyl Vanguards
- The Headphone Heroes
- The Music Mavericks
- The Melody Masters
- The Rock and Roll Rebels
- The Pop Music Pioneers
- The Hip-Hop Heads
- The Country Music Mavericks
- The Classical Music Connoisseurs
- The Jazz Junkies
Sports-Themed Trivia Names:
- The Armchair Quarterbacks
- The Sports Savants
- The Game Day Gurus
- The Fantasy Football Phenoms
- The Hockey Heroes
- The Baseball Buffs
- The Basketball Brains
- The Soccer Scholars
- The Tennis Titans
- The Golfing Gurus
History-Themed Trivia Names:
- The History Buffs
- The Time Travelers
- The Past Masters
- The History Hunters
- The Archaeology Aficionados
- The Ancient World Experts
- The Medieval Masterminds
- The Renaissance Rockstars
- The Modern History Mavericks
- The World War Warriors
Science-Themed Trivia Names:
- The Science Squad
- The Lab Rats
- The Element Explorers
- The Physics Phantoms
- The Chemistry Champs
- The Biology Brains
- The Astronomy Aficionados
- The Geology Gurus
- The Math Masters
- The Computer Connoisseurs
Literature-Themed Trivia Names:
- The Bookworms
- The Literary Legends
- The Wordsmith Warriors
- The Grammar Geeks
- The Poetry Professors
- The Fiction Fanatics
- The Non-Fiction Navigators
- The Mystery Mavens
- The Fantasy Fiction Fiends
- The Classic Literature Connoisseurs
Art-Themed Trivia Names:
- The Art Aficionados
- The Canvas Connoisseurs
- The Color Crusaders
- The Sculpture Specialists
- The Architecture Admirers
- The Photography Phenoms
- The Design Divas
- The Fashion Forward
- The Graphic Design Gurus
- The Multimedia Mavericks
Geography-Themed Trivia Names:
- The Globe Trotters
- The Map Masters
- The Geography Geniuses
- The World Explorers
- The Country Connoisseurs
- The City Slickers
- The Mountain Mavericks
- The River Runners
- The Oceanographers
- The Climatologists
Pop Culture-Themed Trivia Names:
- The Pop Culture Pioneers
- The Meme Masters
- The Social Media Savants
- The Internet Icons
- The Reality TV Royalty
- The Celebrity Connoisseurs
- The Fashionistas
- The Foodies
- The Gamer Gurus
- The Tech Trendsetters
Funny Trivia Names:
- The Know-It-Alls
- The Smart Alecks
- The Trivia Tyrants
- The Masterminds of Mischief
- The Questionable Experts
- The Answer Antics
- The Trivia Tease
- The Quizical Quacks
- The Brain Busters
- The Mental Misfits
Clever Trivia Names:
- The Trivia Titans
- The Knowledge Navigators
- The Intellectual Explorers
- The Brain Trust
- The Think Tank
- The Wisdom Warriors
- The Mental Marathoners
- The Cognitive Conquerors
- The Cerebral Champions
- The Intellectual Illuminati
Unique Trivia Names:
- The Eclectic Einsteins
- The Quirky Quizzers
- The Unconventional Thinkers
- The Offbeat Oracles
- The Unorthodox Experts
- The Unpredictable Pioneers
- The Enigma Enigmas
- The Paradoxical Professors
- The Esoteric Explorers
- The Eccentric Erudite
Creative Trivia Names:
- The Word Wizards
- The Puzzle Pioneers
- The Creative Concocters
- The Idea Igniters
- The Innovation Illuminators
- The Imagination Innovators
- The Concept Creators
- The Visionary Venturers
- The Ingenious Inventors
- The Artistic Adventurers
Witty Trivia Names:
- The Pun-derful Pundits
- The Sarcastic Scholars